
  • October is Fair Trade Month

    Next month will bring national awareness to the positive impact that Fair Trade products have on workers and the planet!  What is Fair Trade?  Fair...
  • 5 Picnic-Friendly Vegan Recipes

    Vegan “Chicken” Salad  Made from healthy ingredients like chickpeas and almonds, this salad scratches the itch for that old-fashioned sandwich-fil...
  • Dark Chocolate Sets the Mood

    The Mental Health Benefits of Consuming Dark Chocolate*  We all have heard that dark chocolate can positively affect our physical health – it cont...
  • Can Dark Chocolate Benefit My Brain?

    How senior citizens, college students and Nobel Prize winners benefit from eating chocolate. The origins of the cacao bean date back as far as ear...
  • Shipping smartBARK!

    If you’re like us, you probably have a story or two about an item that didn’t arrive in the condition you expected. There are important things to c...
  • Vegan & Gluten-Free S'more Recipes

    Vegan & Gluten-Free S’more Recipes There’s no dessert that says “sweet summertime” quite like s’mores. If your dietary needs have changed over ...
  • So, What Is Fair Trade Day & Why Should I Care?

    In 2004, the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) created the holiday to recognize the importance of the Fair Trade movement. Here’s a beginner’s g...
  • Coconut Banana Overnight Oats with smartBARK! Crispy Quinoa

      Start off your day with a delicious boost of energy! No, I’m not talking about smoothies. There’s no reason to bust out the blender when you can...