Meet Dave Sokoll, Oberlin Food Hub Founder

The BARK: What is Oberlin Food Hub?
The BARK: How did you get into the business?
I have been passionate about food since I started cooking as a teenager. I learned about the importance of local food in my 20s, both by studying the detrimental impacts of our modern food system, and by falling in love with fresh bell peppers from the farm after years hating the ones from the grocery store. I worked in school kitchens, restaurants, food trucks, and through it all saw that if I wanted to impact food systems, I had to move up the supply chain!
The BARK: What do you like most about what you do?
I love two very different aspects of my job. First, I love physical work, so it is very satisfying to spend the morning in the warehouse supporting my team in getting our orders packed and loaded for distribution. Second, I love meeting people and building relationships, so I enjoy getting to meet with lots of customers and vendors over the phone, virtually, and in-person to learn about each other and to discuss our businesses and our visions.
The BARK: What's the hardest part of your job?
We are a small company where everyone wears a number of hats. There is more work to do than could ever be done, and sometimes that is frustrating, or overwhelming. I like to remember the quote from Pirkei Avot: "It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to desist from it."
The BARK: Why do you offer smartBARK! to your retailers?
Great question! Oberlin Food Hub is focused on supporting local food systems. When we started out, we only carried products with 50% or more local ingredients. As we grew, we realized that small producers are a crucial aspect of a healthy food system. We wanted to support everyone who is working to build capacity in our region to produce food. Also, it's delicious! We love the commitment to organic and fair-trade ingredient sourcing which supports farmers all over.
You can learn more about Oberlin Food Hub here: